Ai-Aimbot Status
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AimbotCheat Menu
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Aimbot Hotkey
Your desired mouse hotkey to activate the aimbot while you hold that mouse hotkey down.
Triggerbot Hotkey
Your desired mouse hotkey to activate the triggerbot while you hold that mouse hotkey down.
Pause Hotkey
Your desired keyboard hotkey to pause and unpause the aimbot/triggerbot.
Quit Hotkey
"Your desired keyboard hotkey to fully quit the EyE Ai client."
AimbotAimbot FOV
Your Aimbot Field Of View (FOV) marks the pixel size area in which the aimbot/triggerbot will engage enemies when the specific hotkey is being held.
AimbotMove Speed
This speed value determines how fast the aimbot/triggerbot follows the target with your crosshair in your aimbot FOV.
AimbotSnap Speed
This speed value determines how fast the aimbot/triggerbot moves your crosshair to the target in your aimbot FOV.
TriggerbotTriggerbot FOV
Your Triggerbot Field Of View (FOV) marks the pixel size area around the enemies hitbox in which the triggerbot will trigger a shot. We recommend a value of 10.
TriggerbotDelay in ms
This value determines how long the triggerbot will wait (in milliseconds) until does another left click after the first shot was made.
Determines how sure the Artificial Intelligence has to be before it marks something as target in your FOV. We recommend a value of 0.2. Decrease this value if the aimbot doesn't detect enemies well enough. Increase this value if aimbot is aiming at random objects.
CPU/GPUFix LAG/BlackScreen
Increase this value if you are experiencing heavy fps drops or too high CPU usage.
it takes up to 5 minutes to be updated
RecoilVertical Mouse Recoil
Any value higher than 0.0 will make the aimbot pull your mouse down as soon as you hold left mouse, to help with recoil control. The higher this value the stronger the pulldown effect.
Aimbot Custom TargetVertical Height Hitbox
This value determines at which height the aimbot/triggerbot will aim at on an enemy if you have the custom aim mode selected. A value between 35 and 42 is usually the head area.
Pause AimWhile LEFT MOUSE is hold
This value determines at which height the aimbot/triggerbot will aim at on an enemy if you have the custom aim mode selected. A value between 35 and 42 is usually the head area.